Rob Berry Blues Musician.

Blues Busking in Reading.
Last time it was in Bournemouth Square. Today, walking down Reading’s Broad Street, familiar strains of music met my ears. Yes, it was Rob Berry Blues Musician busking again.
When I saw him the last time, I had the full camera kit with me (see previous blog). On this occasion, as it was a shopping trip, I only had the phone and “snappy” camera.
Choosing the latter, I captured this shot of Rob Berry playing his music. This time, accompanied by his friend on drums. He may not look too healthy, but he hits a mean skin!
Rob Berry Blues is very definitely worth listening to if you come across him. He obviously has a reasonable touring area – even if he seems to attract lousy weather! Not long after taking this shot, it started raining.
The image may capture the greyness of the weather, but it doesn’t convey his musical talent. For that, you really need to see him yourself.
Photograph Details:
- Taken: 25 Feb 2017
- Camera: Canon PowerShot A580
- Lens: Canon Integrated
- Focal Length 16mm
- F/4.5
- 1/60 Sec
- ISO 250
- Flash
Rob Berry gave me his card, when I ask if he would do a private party, said yes!!!
can you please advice how to arrange this with him.
Hi –
Probably the best way of getting in touch might be through his Facebook Page: Please tell him you saw this picture – he was a great act to photograph!