Teasel Plant.

Dipsacus – member of the Caprifoliaceae family.
We have now reached the outskirts of Reading, by the Fobney Island Nature Reserve. Walking around, I took several photographs, including this oneof a Teasel plant.
This is the dried head of what was a colourful flower. There are several of these around the reserve. This head contains the seeds which develop in the autumn and attract birds. This is one reason why they are popular in Nature Reserves.
I have captured this shot looking towards the dying sun. This has given the slightly iridescent effect outlining the head. A long lens makes the head stand out against the background.
Setting the ISO high has allowed a fairly wide aperture and fast exposure. This keeps the whole of the head sharp, minimising the risk of any blur caused by movement.
Photograph Details:
- Taken: 2 September 2017
- Camera: Canon 5D MkIII
- Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm 1:4 L IS II USM
- Focal Length 200mm
- F/8
- 1/800 Sec
- ISO 2000