
An unusual sight in a housing estate!
This, apparently, is Splash. Not quite what you would expect to see in a Community Centre in the middle of a housing estate! This horse was a surprise guest when we were on the Bus of Hope tonight!
A well behaved a very beautiful animal, this horse was something of an attraction this evening. I managed to get a good angle with the setting sun.
Clearly, Splash was hungry. She was nibbling the grass constantly. Gave me a good opportunity to line up the shot, once all the admiring youngsters were out of the way.
I am quite pleased with the framing of this. Splash taking up most of the height of the frame, but slightly to the right. This gives a lead in, with the head just left of centre. Gives the impression of space. If the horse moves, she will move forward into the empty area of the frame.
Photograph Details:
- Taken: 23 May 2017
- Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M10 MkII
- Lens: Olympus 14-42 1:3.5-5.6
- Focal Length 20mm
- F/5.6
- 1/80 Sec
- ISO 400