
Starling awaiting its next move.
Once again, a trip to Hengistbury Head has brought cloud cover to a sunny day! We had planned to go up there for Guide Dog Oakley to meet Guide Dog Puppy-in-Training Raymond. The latter named in memory of my father.
A bit of sun broke through just after we arrived, and I got a fairly decent of the southern edge of Hengistbury Head, bathed in warm, winter sunshine. The dogs had a good play for a bit, and we then retired to the handy Hikers’ Café for lunch.
Those who know this café will also know its reputation for bird life outside. Something I had forgotten. When we came out, I spotted a large number of starlings – some on the grass, some on the tables or seats, and a line-up along the guttering.
I sensed an opportunity! These birds are fairly tame, as they realise there is easy pickings here. I put on the long lens, and, hoping to get one on a table, looked for a suitable subject.
It would seem when they are one the tables, they are a little wary. As soon as I approached, they were off! However, I noticed this one starling just standing on the grass. He was looking around, as if trying to decide what to do. But, as if posing for the camera, I was able to take this shot. Despite the dull weather, requiring a slowish shutter speed, it has come out fairly well.
Photograph Details
- Taken: 21 Jan 2017
- Camera: Canon 5D MkIII
- Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm 1:2.8 L IS II USM
- Focal Length 200mm
- F/5
- 1/80 Sec
- ISO 200