Loch Oich.

Timeless image.
Sadly, we are having to make our way back to our hire base. Our two week’s cruising nearly over. Today, we crossed a rather choppy Loch Oich, the summit of the Caledonian Canal.
We had already passed one tall ship as we entered. We came across another pair of yachts as we neared the far (south western) end. The wind was noticeably stronger as we left the previous lock and cruised across Loch Oich.
With the weather being so grey, there was not a lot of colour in this image anyway. I therefore decided to convert to monochrome, and enhance the contrasts. This gives a rather stronger image than the original colour.
You can just make out two marker buoys in this shot. One just behind and to the right of the white yacht. This is a green buoy, on a stone base. To the right can just be made out another marker standing up. This is a red buoy.
The way we are heading, you pass green on your left (port), and red on your right (starboard). As you can see, despite the loch being fairly wide, in places the navigable channel is rather narrow.
Photograph Details:
- Taken: 10 Aug 2017
- Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M10 MkIIA
- Lens: Olympus 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6
- Focal Length 42mm
- F/7.1
- 1/800 Sec
- ISO 200